Gutter Cleaning
If you are looking to avoid all types of leaks in your roofing this may just be the best way to be proactive about it. Gutters fulfill a very important role in allowing the water that has built up from heavy rains to flow through your home. When we are getting rain though, the water does not tend to come alone. You are going to have leaves and all sorts of debris building up. There are ways to avoid a major debris build up in your gutters, but we would say that the best thing that you can do is have them cleaned out pretty regularly.
How Regularly Is Pretty Regularly? This can really vary depending on how the year has gone and what your gutters actually look like. If you happen to have a lot of trees and plants in or near your property you are going to want to be more proactive. Especially in the fall when we can have a build-up of leaves virtually anywhere. If you are in one of these areas once every 3 or 4 months may be a good idea. If you, on the other hand, live in an area where you don’t get a lot of debris then once a year may cut it! How We Clean It is not like there is one thing that we do all of the time to be able to clean your gutters. Different issues require different strategies. If you have a major debris build up in your gutters we are not going to be thinking about using water at least until we have the debris removed. If the build-up is not overly extensive then we may choose to pressure wash the area. Of course, every time that we clean gutters we tend to want to use water that way we can monitor the way that water is going to flow through them when it rains. We Take Debris With Us When we are dealing with a lot of debris which is not uncommon in these types of situations, we are going to need to dispose of it. For us, the best thing that we can do is take care of everything ourselves. If you happen to have an extensive trash can that we can use that would be great. for the most part, though we will be able to take all of the debris away with us so you won’t have to worry about that at all! How To Prevent Leaks As we have said cleaning gutters regularly is itself one of the best prevention techniques that can be applied. There is also the possibility of installing gutter guards. Gutter guards are meant to keep debris away from the gutter. Some are more effective than others though. In keeping debris out some may leave water out of the gutter as well. So if you are going to try and use these as a prevention strategy we advise that you really think it through. |